Plain talk about Intellectual Property. Podcast of Intangible Law™
Artist Martin Calvino – Creating with AI
We talk with Martin Calvino, a multimedia artist and scientist that integrates arts with genomics, machine learning, and tango culture.
If you would like to learn more about the transformations to intellectual property, I invite you to read my essay, which received the First Prize in the Essay Competition of the AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, titled "Boosted by the Pandemic: Intellectual Property as a Collaboration Tool" available on the AIPPI website at
Hello! From Washington, DC. This is Episode 7. Today we will talk with a unique creator. He is a scientist turned artist. His creations come in different mediums, and some of them are created with Artificial Intelligence.
In the previous episode, we talked about artificial intelligence and how it revolutionizes intellectual property and the world in general. But artificial intelligence and other new technologies are not the only engines of change affecting intellectual property. Our society has been involved for quite some time now in what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is more than a technological revolution; it is also a socio-economic revolution. Our traditional paradigms of work, interpersonal relationships, and all other aspects of our lives are changing. We do not yet know precisely where we are going, but we can recognize a direction with a more open, more connected, and more inclusive society. The way we innovate and create is also changing. Instead of only innovating in complete secrecy, we now have many open and collaboration models, such as patent pool, open access, open innovation, and open source. Likewise, innovation and creation is no longer exclusively a human endeavor. Now we have creative artificial intelligence.
If you would like to learn more about the transformations to intellectual property, I invite you to read my essay, which received the First Prize in the Essay Competition of the AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, titled "Boosted by the Pandemic: Intellectual Property as a Collaboration Tool" available on the AIPPI website at
Let's discover how our guest creates art with artificial intelligence.
Today we have the great pleasure of talking with a multimedia artist and scientist. His work encompasses the integration of media arts with genomics, machine learning, and tango culture.
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